
The Good Animal is a blog devoted to the richness of life achieved through physical exertion. Being a good animal is being an active animal. Happiness is not a thought; it is an action. Active animals are happy, content and fulfilled by doing what they were created to do. The mind loves action as much as the body. It is toned and shaped by it. Thoughts become clear, solid and crystal during physical activity. The spirit comes stronger, lighter and more resilient. Welcome fellow animals.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

I Love My Forerunner 305

Today's workout was a 7.22 miler.

The sky was a clear aqua blue. It was a warm, not hot, morning, and I hit the road at 10:00 a.m.. I programmed my Garmin's virtual running partner for 8:50/mile, figuring I would be running a recovering session.

That's not the way it worked out. I ran faster and harder than I expected. Jumping on my horse, I rode it up and downhill, putting in 7:54, and lower 8:00s. Eventually I finished with an 8:38 average pace.

The virtual running partner became my benchmark as I ran. I pulled away from him, getting .2 miles ahead and tried to keep that distance as much as possible. It added pleasure and "competition" to the run. In the end, my legs felt great, and my body was a wonderful loose machine.

When I put in the 7.22 miles, the Garmin congratulated me on "winning." I did 25 push up and crunches. With victory in the air, I threw myself into my cold pool and cooled down. The Garmin just keeps giving me more and more pleasure while running. Yes, I love my GPS.

The tunes for the day were: Belle and Sebastian The Life Pursuit, and Deep Purple's Machine Head.


8:38 average pace
7.22 miles
1149 calories burned
7 of 10 on scale of perceived difficulty

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Marathon Recovery

The last few days I have been recovering from the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon.

The only problems I suffered as a result of the race were a tight right hamstring and a few blisters.

The hamstring just needed stretching. On Monday, I stretched throughout the day and did some gardening. The gardening loosened it up.

The blisters were minor annoyances. I know some people just leave them alone, but I don't. They bug. I drained one that was on the front of my second smallest toe and under my nail. Yucky. The others had just broken on their own.

I think I need to tape my feet. These blisters were not from the shoes. They were caused by the friction of the toes rubbing against themselves.

Today when I ran six miles to loosen the legs, I taped them and they didn't bother me any more.

Monday I just stretched. Tuesday I did two slow miles on the elliptical. Today--Wednesday--I ran six slower miles (9:15s to 8:40s). I'm feeling good.

I'm eating whatever sounds good and making sure I have a fruit protein shake everyday. The protein is to help muscle repair.

The recovering is going well.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Shout Out to Steve Runner


Thanks for featuring my newborn blog on Phedip. It was quite a surprise to hear your feature as I was driving to the San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon.

You really made my traffic-jammed drive through Encintas a pleasure.

Thanks man!

Check out Steve's excellent podcast at steverunner.com

Shout out to Molly, Chris, Willis and Sid

Molly, Chris, Willis and Sid,

Thanks for the accommodations and the fun evening. I enjoyed meeting your friends Misty and Pat. Dinner was great and so was the company.

A Better Animal in San Diego

This race I tried to improve my overall kindness to everyone involved.

First, let me say that I have never been rude to anyone on a course. I have always been thoughtful of other runners and volunteers. Sometimes, however, I have been too involved in my struggle to keep my pace up to say the right thing--even if I thought it. I know most volunteers can see how hard the runners are struggling and their intensity. I know they understand if we look pained or fail to acknowledge them.

San Diego was my location to improve the good spirits I could spread on the course. I thanked every volunteer with whom I had an encounter. Every volunteer who handed me a water cup and sports drink received a thank you. I tried to smile (tough at times) and talked with runners when possible.

One shaved headed, shirtless runner was really hurting during mile 16 or so. He started talking to me. I listened to him as he told me of his terrible cramps in his legs. He asked how I was doing and if this was normal. Two things came to mind: 1. He could use any small help I had for him and 2. Suddenly, I had become someone worthy of giving advice.

I told him I had a cramp that pops up regularly in my right hamstring. I've had to stop and stretch it out, but I finished the race. I also told him he was probably low on salt and needed potassium. I asked him if he wanted a Shot Block. He did, so I gave him two. I figured I had more than enough (I did). He stayed with me a little longer and then faded back. I felt good giving him just a little help (not much) but it was better than keeping quiet.

I don't think people would really notice the difference I brought to this race by being polite and showing concern, but I felt different. I felt good at the end as I walked through the chutes and thanked volunteer after volunteer.

Monday, June 4, 2007

San Diego Rock N Roll Marathon Race Report

(Click Image to Enlarge)

The San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon is a great race. I loved it and plan to race it again next year. This year's race couldn't have been much better. June 3, 2007 was a perfect day for the event.

The Weather: At the start of the race (6:30 a.m.) , the temperature was cool (low 60s) and the sky was perfect June Gloom (a California condition of heavy marine layer found in later spring and early summer). The result was a near optimal conditions for the marathon for approximately four hours before the sun broke through the clouds. When the sun came out, the temperature began to climb, making it tougher for those finishing after 4 hours, but making for a pleasant post race environment.

The Course:

6th St. next to Balboa Park is the start of the race. The first few miles circle the park and contain some hills to slow the pace down. (See Marker #1) The San Diego Zoo is near the course.

Next, the course winds toward the coast and Petco Field, home of the Padres(Marker #2) . It passes by the convention center and moves through downtown (Marker #3) and back toward Balboa Park. At first, he run is a light uphill (Marker #4)

The next stretch is the toughest part of the course (Marker #5). It works its way uphill through through downtown and beyond the park. The course is actually Highway 163 for a few miles. The freeway is a tough run--all uphill and most of it on a curved surface. Even when it begins its descent, it is still curved. My legs hated this section, and it as the only point I really felt lower back and other muscles beyond the legs.

Once the hard hills are over, the next section is a light rolling sections of road (Marker #6). It was not too tough, but my legs grew tired of the small variations in grade. I think it wore me out a bit.

The Mission Bay Loop was beautiful and relatively flat(Marker #7). I had run some of it the year before in America's Finest City Half Marathon. It is a good place to stretch the legs and is scenic. The few bridges were a bit tiring but not too much so. These were miles 15 or so to approximately 20. We left the Mission Bay main loop and entered a small neighborhood. I've always liked this type of location. Going through an actual neighborhood in a city gives runners the flavor of the actual place. Long Beach International Marathon does this as well. A great idea!

Miles 20 through 26 are run on roads and trails that wind over and under each other. There are over and underpasses that provide grade and shade. There is both up and down hill. Again, no bad running.

The final mile and a half leaves this terrain and heads toward the Marine Corps Recruit Depot. The race enters the gates and finishes after going under and arch between two buildings. Not seeing the finish line until nearly upon it makes the race seem to drag on and on in the last quarter mile.

Overall: A very enjoyable run and course.

The Volunteers and the People:

The City of San Diego does itself proud. All the volunteers I encountered were wonderful. They were positive and helpful. The water stations were themed. There were pirates, rock stars, superheroes and commandos and others passing out water and sports drinks. Cheerleaders--men in drag--helped lighten the mood. The bands were the best I have heard on a course. It is the Rock and Roll Marathon after all.

When I finished the race, I was assisted to a chair and given water and ice and a cool towel--bravo! While I sat and recovered, I was cared for the right amount--not too worried and not neglected.

Yes, yes, yes. Thank you San Diego.

My Performance: This race I worked on pacing. I have constantly come out of the gate too fast. This race I was determined to fight that trend. I wanted to run at a pace between 8:00 and 8:30 through the race. I managed to keep myself at that pace for the majority of the race--up to mile 18 or so. Then I slowed. I was not able to keep the pace, but I was not completely wiped out. My right hamstring did not lock up and only began to cramp slightly at mile 23--much better than in the past.

This was my smartest race. I felt much about how I ran. I was shooting for a 3:40 and didn't make it, but I felt very good. This race was a lesson. It is the first step in being a much smart racer and less of a wild beast who runs until he completely falls apart and slows at mile 13-15.

The Statistics

Time: 3:51:41
Average Pace: 8:51/ mile
Average Speed: 6.8 mph
Max Speed: 10.2 mph
10K: 51:21
1/2 Marathon: 1:49:34
21 mile: 3:00:48

Calories burned: 4099
Average Heart Rate 143 bpm.
Total Ascent: 3228 ft.
Total Descent: 3577
Overall Place: 2077
Sex Place: 1591
Division Place: 234

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Saddleback Memorial 5K 2007

Tristan, Rick and I arrived at the starting line with plenty of time. Tristan seemed relaxed and ready to go. We stretched and tried to stage as much as possible. It was a smaller race.

Neither Tristan or I have ever run a 5k, so I was feeling just a little bit of jitters myself. This would be over before I knew it. It was not the long drawn out battle of a marathon, but I wondered if I had the speed. Could I push a new rhythm for this race. I knew the marathon and the half marathon have different paces, so I imagined this one did, too. I thought it would be like a 2 minute punk song--manic and over before you knew it. What I got was something else.

Tristan, once the pack opened just slightly, kicked up his pace. He was flying the first mile. He was running at a lower six minute pace. He was pouring it on; I had a hard time keeping up with him. We lost Rick quickly. The two of us ran side by side. He pushed forward. Occasionally, he wanted to know how far we went. I kept him update. Mile One, Mile Two. It wasn't until after mile 2 that he started to really slow down. He developed a side cramp about mile 2.5 in.

We slowed our pace a bit and then tried to get back to our previous pace. We pushed hard. Trist was shot; still he worked. When I told him to push it, he told me to be quiet. He knows when he has had enough.

At the end, he finished 6th in the 12 and under group. I was 21st in mine. Rick was 19th in his.

Tristan and I finished side by side at 23:06.

Our pace was 7:26 minutes/mile.

We were the 202 and 203 finishers (the 141 and 142 males)

The day was cool--really perfect weather for a run. The event was fantastic and had a hometown feel. Good fast course--mostly downhill--through Laguna Woods. Definitely a race for next year.

Monday, May 28, 2007

5K Ready

Memorial Day

Tristan and I are getting prepped for our first 5K. We ate breakfast and put on our chips. He is drawing on our bibs. We are awaiting Rick's arrival.

All is in order. I have taken my morning "usual." We both carbo loaded on some cereal.

More after the race...

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Wood Canyon Trail

Click Image to Enlarge

This is the Wood Canyon Trail. It is a favorite of mine because it is not that easy to get to. As a result, it keeps the low mileage joggers and the less dedicated runners off the course. Mountain bikers use it more than anyone, but on a weekday morning, it can be very lightly traveled. the reason it is hard to get to is the entrance to the actual park is 1.4 miles down a water district service road. The road and adjoining dirt trail are not very inviting. They are stark and without trees until near the park entrance.

This is usually an out and back run for me. The way in starts as a downhill course until it hits the park; then it becomes a steady uphill climb through the canyon. The canyon trail crosses Aliso Creek three times on the voyage. An old corral is along the trail.

A grove of oaks is one of my favorite spots--dark and peaceful after the sun and chaparral. The end of the course features two steep hills. I call them Butt Breaker 1 and Butt Breaker 2 because they make my gluts ache.

The downhill return run is great. It ends with a half mile of slight uphill grade. The result is a strong finish where you can really pump it and feel it.

The Canyon is a sweet ride.

May 25th Workout

On Friday May 25th, I ran Wood Canyon. I hadn't been in the canyon for months, so the experience was fresh.

The day was bright and sunny. I started the run at 12:20. It would have been hot without wind, but an afternoon breeze had picked up, rustling the sycamores and willows and making their long leaves and fresh branches into ribbons in the wind. The contrasts were startling--blue sky, bright new green leaves and brown grass from the current lack of rain.

Aliso Creek was low but still flowing. The oaks at the end of the trail near the Butt Breaker hills were their shadowy, comfortable selves.

I tried to keep a consistent 8:30 pace, but I kept fluctuating my speed. I am working on pacing and finding it a challenge. At the start of a run, I want to go too fast. The Garmin 305 has been helping me with this.

Other interesting observations: There is something creepy about running with a vulture circling above you. I know it wasn't for me, but as it searches for food, itis a little spot of death in the air--all black with a blood red head. Thankfully I spotted a red tail hawk a little while later--hawks are anything but death. They are somehow life.

Two mountain biker riders passed me a few yards (probably thirty) before Butt Breaker 1. I caught them and passed them on the hill. Raw human energy defeats mechanical contraption. Sorry boys! Then I put some distance between us. They caught me again in the flat between the Butt Breakers, but the ascent up Butt Brreaker 2 was another victory of man over machine. I hauled by them breathing hard and smiling as they struggled to keep their bikes up right. They never caught me. They stopped at the rest area near the top of the hill while I tagged the park gate, hit my lap button and began my descent through the canyon.

Vital Stats:

9.22 miles total
Total Ascent: 1230 ft.
Total Descent: 1233 ft.
155 Heart beats per min. average
181 Heart beat max.
8:26 average pace/mile
7.1 mi/hr average speed
10.9 mi/hr max speed
1436 calories burned

Friday, May 25, 2007

Tristan's Training Course

Click on the picture to see the course in detail.

This is the route that Tristan(my 11 year old) and I have taken to prepare for the 2007 Saddleback Memorial 5K.

It is Tristan's first road race. This course has enough hills to be a challenge, yet it has enough flat surfac to get a good run in.

When I first started running, this was the path I took as I built up my mileage.

I enjoy taking with Tristan as he starts his journey as a runner.

The course gets tough from Valencia Hill to Home Stretch. It is all uphill. Tristan runs it with the dedication of a true distance runner. He has the right make up for the task.

We start uphill from "the Compound." and then work our way downhill to Turtle Park. We wind around the park to a fire road and run past the spot where watch fireworks on the Fourth of July. From there, we hit the dirt for 3/4 of a mile and challenge Power Tower Hill, a steep but short climb. Then, it is downhill to El Conejo and the shade of the trees. Once, we pass that spot, we hit the concrete and asphalt working our way through a neighborhood. We come out on Paseo de Valencia and begin a long up hill climb that includes La Paz. The course ends with downhill trip through the neighborhood and an uphill .2 of a mile to "the Compound."

It is 2.84 miles.

Shout Out for Jimbo


Are you reading this blog? I'm giving you a shout out, my lovely flower, for being a great friend. Thanks for the 505 (hamburger combo) at John's and the ecard for my birf-day.

You really started me on my GPS addiction. Did you see my mapping yet? Check out the routes I'm placing in here.

And stay a good animal, brawtha.

Alicia/ Aliso Creek/La Paz/ Oso Loop

This course runs through Laguna Hills and Aliso Viejo, CA.

It is my favorite half marathon loop. It is 13.1 miles and includes hilly terrain. There are extended ascents and descents. The journey is along the Aliso Creek Trail is always good because of its slow decline over miles. I love this route.

Running Music

Music is an essential part of my run. I vary it frequently. Here are my favorite running mp3s at the moment.

  • Your Favorite Worst Nightmare by Arctic Monkeys

The first three tracks are amazing for running. Good driving beats and some great lyrics. Check out "Brian Storm," "Teddy Picker," and "D is for..." the rest of the Cd is good but not pure running tracks. These get the legs moving.

  • The entire Apples in Stereo disc New Magnetic Fields. Great upbeat stuff.

  • I am into a strong dance type beat as I run so I have been enjoying The Sunlandic Twins and Satanic Panic in the Attic by Of Montreal while I run.

  • Finally, I enjoy listening to Steve Runner's Phedippidations when I run. Thinking about running while running is a pleasure.