
The Good Animal is a blog devoted to the richness of life achieved through physical exertion. Being a good animal is being an active animal. Happiness is not a thought; it is an action. Active animals are happy, content and fulfilled by doing what they were created to do. The mind loves action as much as the body. It is toned and shaped by it. Thoughts become clear, solid and crystal during physical activity. The spirit comes stronger, lighter and more resilient. Welcome fellow animals.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Tristan's Training Course

Click on the picture to see the course in detail.

This is the route that Tristan(my 11 year old) and I have taken to prepare for the 2007 Saddleback Memorial 5K.

It is Tristan's first road race. This course has enough hills to be a challenge, yet it has enough flat surfac to get a good run in.

When I first started running, this was the path I took as I built up my mileage.

I enjoy taking with Tristan as he starts his journey as a runner.

The course gets tough from Valencia Hill to Home Stretch. It is all uphill. Tristan runs it with the dedication of a true distance runner. He has the right make up for the task.

We start uphill from "the Compound." and then work our way downhill to Turtle Park. We wind around the park to a fire road and run past the spot where watch fireworks on the Fourth of July. From there, we hit the dirt for 3/4 of a mile and challenge Power Tower Hill, a steep but short climb. Then, it is downhill to El Conejo and the shade of the trees. Once, we pass that spot, we hit the concrete and asphalt working our way through a neighborhood. We come out on Paseo de Valencia and begin a long up hill climb that includes La Paz. The course ends with downhill trip through the neighborhood and an uphill .2 of a mile to "the Compound."

It is 2.84 miles.

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